Now, the above picture doesn't at all do Maressa's Cake Balls justice! But believe me - they are so YUMMY! Jake even took one to school and share one with a couple of buddies who LOVED them and wanted to know where you could buy them. As my boys have often said, "Everything Maressa makes is good!" That's right - Maressa spoils my kids with yummy treats (I think it is because she loves to bake and secondly, knows that I really don't!" She's a great friend to have!
This is how you make CAKE BALLS.
Step 1:
Bake your favorite cake and let cool.
Step 2:
Frost your favorite cake.
Step 3: (the fun part)
Take your beautifully frosted cake and DUMP it into a bowl. Break it up and mix it up. Shape into balls and dip the balls into melted chocolate. Let harden and enjoy!

Maressa doesn't like "boxed cake mixes." I am going tell you a little secret....I thought making a cake from a box was from "scratch." Even throughout my college life. My heck - I'm cracking eggs, adding oil and mixing it - that's scratch right? It wasn't until I met Devin and his mother that I learned differently.
But Maressa says that if you are going to use a CAKE MIX for this recipe use RAINBOW CHIP CAKE MIX and RAINBOW CHIP FROSTING. Then roll the balls into WHITE CHOCOLATE.