Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We're LUCKY because...

I had originally planned to do this for Family Home Evening this week (and serve LUCKY CHARM cereal for dessert) but then I decided it would be fun to have Uncle Mondo, Grandpa and Grandpa also join in. Then I put up all our Shamrocks so we can easily be reminded just how LUCKY we are as a family. It was really sweet to read everyone's responses.

The hardest part to this activity - finding a BLACK pen that would write on these Shamrocks and NOT smear off - seriously - we went through 6 pens! What happened to all my BLACK Sharpie Markers - I can't believe my home doesn't have ONE of them!!!

The below large Shamrock is Mondos and Emily's is to the right....

Tyler's is the little one and Emily's is the bigger one (I love that she included her cousins, laptop and HSM pillow that has Troy on it)!

Me and my mom....


Grandpa, Tyler and me...

For FHE lesson - just pull out various pictures from your GAK (gospel art kit) and have your family tell you why Noah, Samuel the Laminate, Nephi, etc were LUCKY.


Emily had to stay home from school on St. Patrick's Day (she had a couple of doctor appointments). She was SO SAD to miss St. Patrick's Day at school that I decided she and I needed to come up with something fun for us to do! We bought 11 boxes of LUCKY CHARM CEREAL (which was not nearly enough) and decided we'd create a new tradition....SHAMROCKING! At Christmas we go PIXING and now on St. Patrick's we'll go SHAMROCKING! Emily had a blast going to her girlfriend's home, ringing the doorbell, dropping off a box of LUCKY CHARMS and running quickly away before she got caught.

Who knows we might just have to go SHAMROCKING again today for a belated St. Patrick's Day treat!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Go green! 2009

I packed my Fish Heads a GREEN lunch for school:

For our GREEN dinner we served:

GREEN Rice Krispee Treats...

GREEN grapes, GREEN kiwis, GREEN jello....

Kim Miller's Potato Casserole (GREEN style - added green food coloring, parmesan cheese and bacon)....

Two different types of Corn Beef Briskets....

Bake each Corn Beef Brisket in it's own pan with one cup of water and the seasoning packets. Do not add salt or pepper. Cover tightly with tinfoil and bake at 400 degrees for 2-1/2 hours. Uncover and continue baking at 400 for 20-30 more minutes.

On one of the Corn Beef Briskets I added honey mustard to the top of it. Then during the last 30 minutes of cooking (when you take the tin foil off) sprinkle 1/2 cup of brown sugar on it.

REMINDER FOR ME NEXT YEAR - I bought two different Corn Beef Brisket's this year. One for Costco - no fat VERY GOOD and the favorite one. The other from Nob Hill. IF YOU BUY A CORN BEEF ROAST that says to cook it with the FAT side up - CUT the fat off first before you begin to cook it.

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

St. Patrick's Day Breakfast

No I'm not Irish but I love any reason to have a party or celebrate!

So don't forget to grab a box of Lucky Charm Cereal while at the grocery store. This is an easy way to celebrate St. Patrick's Day before the kids go to school.

I remember when I sent Tyler to kindergarten on St. Patrick's Day. I thought I had it all together because I remembered to send him wearing green. Well, when he came home he was a little sad because the Leprechaun hadn't visited our home the night before like some of the other kid's homes (apparently the Leprechaun left them gold chocolate candy coins and turned the toilet water green). Really, who knew? I'm Italian and I married a Swedish/German guy! St. Patrick's Day always meant to me - you better wear green or you'll get pinched!

Here are some of the fun things my Fish Heads have done for St. Patrick's day in school:

- Make Leprecheun catchers. And if your Leprecheun is really sneaky he'll escape your trap and leave chocolate gold coins.

-Make Leprecheun finding looking glasses out of empty paper towel rolls and green cellophane. Then go on a walk throughout the school looking for little Leprecheuns.

-While the students are on their walk looking for Leprecheun's the teachers or we room moms come and tip over their chairs and leave little footprints (using flour) and leave gold coins in the student's Leprecheun catchers.