Wednesday, March 18, 2009


Emily had to stay home from school on St. Patrick's Day (she had a couple of doctor appointments). She was SO SAD to miss St. Patrick's Day at school that I decided she and I needed to come up with something fun for us to do! We bought 11 boxes of LUCKY CHARM CEREAL (which was not nearly enough) and decided we'd create a new tradition....SHAMROCKING! At Christmas we go PIXING and now on St. Patrick's we'll go SHAMROCKING! Emily had a blast going to her girlfriend's home, ringing the doorbell, dropping off a box of LUCKY CHARMS and running quickly away before she got caught.

Who knows we might just have to go SHAMROCKING again today for a belated St. Patrick's Day treat!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Oh I love, love this idea too!! So easy. How are you so creative. Thanks for sharing.