I had originally planned to do this for Family Home Evening this week (and serve LUCKY CHARM cereal for dessert) but then I decided it would be fun to have Uncle Mondo, Grandpa and Grandpa also join in. Then I put up all our Shamrocks so we can easily be reminded just how LUCKY we are as a family. It was really sweet to read everyone's responses.
The hardest part to this activity - finding a BLACK pen that would write on these Shamrocks and NOT smear off - seriously - we went through 6 pens! What happened to all my BLACK Sharpie Markers - I can't believe my home doesn't have ONE of them!!!
The below large Shamrock is Mondos and Emily's is to the right....
Tyler's is the little one and Emily's is the bigger one (I love that she included her cousins, laptop and HSM pillow that has Troy on it)!
Me and my mom....
Grandpa, Tyler and me...
For FHE lesson - just pull out various pictures from your GAK (gospel art kit) and have your family tell you why Noah, Samuel the Laminate, Nephi, etc were LUCKY.